I don’t want to surrender. I don’t want to be at the mercy of someone or something outside of me.
Does that make me a ‘control freak’? I don’t think so.
We so often hear about the need to surrender, to let go. What if instead we allowed.
I question if surrendering is actually a beneficial way to create or call something in.
Surrendering is passive, someone or something else is in control. You're metaphorically flying the white flag and waiting for the other party to take control.
Allowing on the other hand is active, a choice. You can take actions, make decisions. Do or not do things. Allow yourself to feel the things.
Allowing means you can make choices, guide and shape while remaining open to how things unfold.
What’s that got to do with business?
Planning is key to any project.
When I’m prepared and things are rolling out to plan. Yippee!!
If it deviates from the plan I have everything in place to adapt, roll with the punches and take appropriate action to continue moving forward.
I relinquish control while allowing things to unfold and remaining able to take action if things change.
So what if instead of surrendering we allowed. We allowed ourselves to experience all the things. Allowed ourselves to imagine we have the thing/s we desire. Allowed ourselves to let go of something we no longer want or no longer serves us.
I often ponder semantic differentiations and how they can work for my clients and myself.
I know which option I’d choose. What would you choose?